"It's all in the mind" by Benny Hay
Title : It’s All In The Mind
Limited edition of 20. Hand printed on A2 - 340GSM Knight Vellum paper. *The digital watermark on the image does not appear on final artwork.
Artist : Benny Hay
If mindlessness is our automatic reaction to everyday events and interactions with others, the transcendental machinations of our mind should then seek to go beyond such reactions. To experience the source of thought — is to experience pure awareness. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness. Your innermost Self. In this state your brain functions with significantly greater coherence and your body gains deep rest.
Ben Hay is the founding creative director at Honey Rogue a design studio in Newtown. He combines a highly imaginative approach with a thorough production ethic to deliver unique solutions across all facets of design; illustration, typography, print, signage, brand development, web and digital services.
Instagram: @honeyroguedesign